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I've been tagged for a little blog game of questions & answers, so here they are..
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
New York or London. Although I've never been to either (we're hoping to go next year), I think the history of London and the energy of New York must be wonderful. Or I could be equally happy any place with a view of the beautiful Strezlecki Ranges in country Victoria.
Your favourite band?
Whenever I am asked what my favourite anything is, I can never narrow it down to one. I love so many different bands and artists from Beastie Boys and Run DMC to Jeff Buckley and John Denver. Currently on my iPod playlist is Taylor Swift and lots of 80's.
If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?
One of my children, to get an objective view of myself as a mother. That, or a Broadway star..
Concert or a Broadway show?
Definitely Broadway (see above), I've been to one too many concerts.. We're off to see Mary Poppins at the end of July, very excited!
Theme song for life?
I'm on my Way by The Proclaimers or Hearing Damage by Thom Yorke.
Would you choose a fancy dinner at a nice restaurant or a picnic in the park?
Picnic in the park, hands down. I love being outside..
Favourite place to shop?
I would love to visit the flea markets of Europe and the US. Here in Australia, Melbourne (where I live) has almost everything..
Your favourite movie?
Again, impossible to name just one. Off the top of my head..One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, Gran Torino, The Duchess, The Slipper & The Rose, The Hurricane, Anne of Green Gables, The Twilight Saga, Good Will Hunting.. See what I mean? There are so many wonderful movies..I watched the A-Team the other night and it was hilarious..
I think the following have not been tagged yet, so if you would like to join in the game..
Simone at Honey and Fizz
Briohny at French Doors and Verandahs
Olivia at Our Windy Spot
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